GlobalCashSite is monitoring hyips since April 2009. GlobalCashSite is not a 10$ cheap monitoring script site however previously I developed this site myself in html & php you can see old version here at hyip monitoring.
In October 2010 I upgraded this site to latest WordPress blog and integrated personally developed php based hyip monitoring module in it. I am against fake voting system so I don’t have voting system neither at old hyip monitoring script or at new hyip blog http://eduaidguru.com/. However you can make hyip discussion in true meaning by posting your comments or payment proof. All comments are moderated to stop spam and junk. So in short GlobalCashSite will serve both as hyip monitor and hyip forum at same place at same time.
You can signup once at this hyip blog and then post your comments without entering your details each time.
Benefits for hyip programs admins
Best HYIP Monitoring
HYIP Discussion / HYIP forum / HYIP News
Great amount of hyip traffic
Great amount of referral and investment
Cheap and competitive advertisement rates
Natural taffic from search engines due to SEO techniques used in this blog
Ability to post news and updates in your threads
Only serious hyip monitoring, list your hyip as serious hyip investment program
Mailing List of 8,500+ 100% hyip related email addresses
Weekly newsletter (free ad if your hyip program is less than 10 days old)
Cheap and affective Banner advertisement
HYIP Programs listing in different categories for easy exploration and choice
Benefits for investors and visitors
Only serious hyips are monitored at this hyip blog
Real discussion without fake payment proofs
Real discussion by moderation of each comment to filter junk comments
Post comments, get backlink and increase position of your site in search engines
Post comments and get back traffic to your site
No 1 hyip monitor to find latest and serious hyip programs
HYIP Programs listing in different categories for easy exploration and choice
Good luck in making money over internet.